Thursday, September 30, 2010


Wow readers. First I would like to deeply apologize for the complete lack of posting done. It's been two months exactly.... Yeesh. So, a lot has happened in those two months.... I tried out for and got cut from my school's soccer team [ :( ].... BUT, Jess and I plan on getting in shape this winter, spring, and summer, and trying out again for the season during junior year. Also, school has started up again, and so far I've had a lot to do. Even if I am procrastinating/bullshitting some (ok, almost all) of it. Like right now for instance. I SHOULD be finishing Modern Globalization homework, but I'm painting my nails and blogging instead.
Mollie and I have two classes together this year, first two periods of the day. That's right. Mollie gets to see my beautiful, bright, happy morning face for two periods a day. I'm also taking photography this year, and we've only had one assignment so far, but we're working on our second. Here's some of what I'm working on:

I really love these. Our goal is to get 100 pictures of birds eye views, and worms eye views, although she made it 50 because so many people complained. Psh, losers. I only have around 47, so I plan on going out and taking some more soon. More new.... I got a new computer :) That's right readers, I finally saved enough money to get a MacBook Pro. It is my baby and I love it very much. But not as much as Mollie or Jax. This is simply materialistic love, don't worry. I really should be getting on my homework dear readers, even if my newly black nails aren't yet dry. We'll see what happens.....

Friday, July 30, 2010

Happy August! I Think?

With August rolling around the corner and the new school year just at the end of the tunnel, I have come to the realization that A) I need to tan B) I need to start working a little more to improve in soccer C) I need to stop going to bed at 5 a.m. and waking up around 12:30-1:30 p.m. Although I currently very much enjoy my sleep schedule, it would most likely be in my best interest to at least begin to start to think about school. I have two classes very early in the morning once school starts, and waking up at 6 will be a pain in the ass as it is without the added, "I only got 1-4 hours of sleep last night." So I guess as a new school year resolution, I'll try to go to bed at a decent hour. A and B will be a snap since I can work those around my current sleep schedule.
But it's summer still, so I bet most of you readers out there are wondering "why the eff is she talking about school??"
I'm asking myself the same thing.
Summer is one of those few relaxing times of the year when you don't need to worry about too much, unless you're trying out for a fall sport as I am. Having all summer to prepare myself, I usually practice or run maybe four times throughout the summer, and then try and cram it all in right before tryouts. Which I fear may be happening this year as well. Oh well. For me, tanning has been put on hold for a bit as my town has had much rain, thunderstorms, and tornado warnings, so I hope to step on that this upcoming week if people aren't working on my house. Which on one hand I really hope they are, but on the other hand I really need to tan.
I also just spent the week at Mollie's place, as a sort of consolation prize of not being able to go up to the Cape with them next week. Yes, you heard it here first folks. I cannot go to Cape Cod with Mollie. Although it gives me more practice time, I sure will miss my best friend.

Alright. Right about now I'm reading over this entry and saying "what the fuck??" It's a little all over the place, but I don't think I'll change anything. I'm just going to make the most of the remainder of my summer and hope the sun stays shining, even for just a few hours.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Wow! I Actually Might Have Plans!

Sunday night, Mollie and I arrived back home from the lake house. As much as I wish I could say it's good to be home, I can't. It's so beautiful and peaceful up there, and Mollie got some very nice pictures throughout the trip. Sadly though, the majority of these pictures were lost when her father tried uploading the three pictures he took with her memory card. Possibly five of her pictures have survived.
While this weekend was mainly spent relaxing, it was also spent texting and plotting for a concert later in August. My new friend John is cousins with the lead bassist of Chiodos, and they've agreed to do a concert in August with John's band One Way. In addition to buying tickets and basically having the time of our lives, John is trying to smuggle me and Mollie backstage passes so we can meet his band, and Chiodos! We're incredibly excited, but were told not to keep our hopes up, yet we are anyway. So far it's a go, and John and his manager are looking for a place to hold the concert. Although that's later in August, I am probably going up to the cape with Mollie for a week while she's in field hockey camp. And my mother has plans to send me to boot camp- er, soccer camp for a week to get me out of the house. Yes, it would be ideal for me to go, but do I want to? Not in the slightest. Tryouts are a week before school starts, and right now, I'm wondering where is my summer disappearing to?

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Fun In The Sun (I Think)

If you're avid soccer fans like I am dear readers, than you'll know Spain won the World Cup this past Sunday July 11th. It was a fairly even game, Spain vs Netherlands with Spain pulling a goal with possibly five minutes left on the clock after going into a 45 minute overtime period. But, because of construction on the downstairs portion of my house, we only have one television. That is around the size of a 15 inch Macbook. It may be slightly larger, but from my view sitting on my parent's bed, it only looked about that big.
But now that it's all over, what am I supposed to do with my time?

So far my vacation has EXTREMELY exciting (note the sarcasm) and I've been spending the majority of my time sleeping and listening to new music. Although I did draw some and I'm currently on page eight of a story I'm in the process of writing (woohoo!) but other than that, my summer has been quite lazy. I played a bit of soccer, and basically avoided civilization all together. Although you'll be proud of me readers, I got out of the house on Tuesday! My friend Jess invited me to Lake Compounce and it was definitely an interesting experience:
1) We're almost at the gate, when I realize I left my ticket in the car. That's really something I should have seen coming.
2) After about maybe a half hour of walking around, Jess and I FINALLY choose to go on the log flume. Promptly after that we had to go back to our locker to change shoes because of my rapidly growing blisters.
3) Went on a smaller roller coaster, and followed a hot guy to the bumper cars where we shared at "moment". (By which I mean I bumped him and he smiled at me, but hey, I'll take what I can get)
4) Water park! Once we strip down to our bathing suits I have to take off my glasses, and I'm completely blind, practically using Jess as my seeing eye dog who every five minutes would go "LOOK! A HOT GUY!" and I would answer her with, "Jess, please stop. I can't see. This is like torture!"
5) Get in line for BoulderDash. Wait a half hour. Two people and one ride away from getting on and, "I'm sorry for the inconvenience, because of the incoming storm we are closing the ride for the remainder of the day, or until the storm passes."
6) Massive rain storm. Jess and I take cover under our already soaked towels and get some food. We clutch our chicken and fries to our chests and take shelter at the diner. Now, we wait.
7) Storm passes, and we go to the henna tent. The second we get there, it starts down-pouring again. I can't get a henna because of the rain. Awesome.
8) Rain finally slows down and we go and get fried Oreos and fried dough just as they're closing the park. Ride home, we relaxed and ate while we attempted to dry off.
Overall, a fun, disappointing, and interesting day.

Off to Mollie's lake house this weekend. Hopefully I can salvage part of this summer before my mother sends me off to boot camp.

Friday, July 9, 2010

I'm Back! Did You Miss Me?

Guess what readers? As of right this moment, I am not grounded! But we're still going to keep our fingers crossed so I do not have to fall into the depth of anti-socialism (although it might be too late anyway). I just finished writing a letter to my good friend Maggie who right now is at sleep away camp which is so much cooler than it sounds. She's doing a ton of stuff there and even bringing me back some of her photography (!!!). I can't wait. I'm also listening to the band Chiodos, and readers if you have not heard of them, I'll give you a taste of their song Lexington:

"You wont be leaving my arms ever. i promise you that.
Even if you want me to let go honey
Even if you want me to let go
You wont be leaving my arms ever. i promise you that.
Even if you want me to let go honey
Even if you say the things that make me want to lose you"

How'd you like that? And that's only the chorus of one song. They have many others such as If I Cut My Hair Hawaii Will Sink, No Hardcore Dancing In The Livingroom, There's No Penguins In Alaska, and Is It Progression If A Cannibal Uses A Fork?. They have some awesome music, and even better lyrics, so check them out.
Also, I just got back from the Catskill Mountains with Erin, and that was the most relaxing trip I have ever been on. We spent time in Colgate Lake and I even lost (some) of my awkward soccer tan lines! We went on a zipline tour and our guides Frank and Rambo were absolutely amazing and the guy in the green shirt that was always right behind me, you are pretty awesome.
So the zipline tour consisted of four bridges and six ziplines, the last zipline being the longest and fastest. On all events but the first bridge and zipline, I was first. Erin was first on those two but partially because Rambo made her go first, and so he knew she was still breathing. Overall the trip was absolutely amazing, and the sunsets, beautiful. Just beautiful.

And just because I love vacationing, next weekend I'm going up to my friend Mollie's lake-house for a few days, and then hopefully up to the Cape with her in August. I'll attempt to write soon readers, I won't forget about the few reading this (although I hope it's more than a few).

Friday, July 2, 2010


My dear readers (if there are any of you out there), I may have failed to mention in one of my previous posts that I am on summer vacation. But as of my report card that came in the mail yesterday, my days of fun in the sun are limited. My final exam grades were average, but my dear mother and step father do not see it the same way I do. So, after five days in the Catskills with my good friend Erin, I will be grounded for who knows how long. Which means no hanging out with friends, and possibly no computer or iPod for blog updates on the wonderful summer I should be having. How did I come across the absolutely wonderful news of my grounding? After a half hour at my local elementary school to take some shots at the soccer goal, my mom called me home for dinner, only to rant about my less than average grades (which let me tell you now readers, I thought were pretty good considering my studying wasn't very time consuming). In an attempt to save myself from the boredom that has started to come across me, I hauled boxes up from the basement to start re-cluttering up my room, and cleaning out a few things that I deemed unnecessary. What I was not aware of however, was that my punishment began now, before the Catskills. So I was not able to go out tonight with Erin in a last attempt to save my summer. Let's hope these five days up in the mountains are worth it. It may just be the highlight of my "What I Did Over My Summer Vacation" paper. If you do not hear from me for the majority of the summer readers, I have most likely been grounded from all technology. So good-bye, adiĆ³s, au revoir, and addio dear readers. I'll hopefully see you over the course of the summer, and if not, sophomore year.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Soccer, Soccer, and more Soccer.

Let me just get this out of the way first dear readers; It's rare for me to be writing posts two days in a row. The reason I'm writing a second post the day after my very first? Soccer. Over the course of my blog, you will most likely hear me talk a lot about my two favorite sports, soccer and snowboarding. But since it's around 90 degrees and sunny, I won't be talking much about snowboarding.
Today was the final day of spring soccer. My team and I had to wake up for an 8:30 game, and play with no subs. But after an hour break, we had to play yet another game at 10:30, again with no subs. Even though we lost both games, for a team without subs I say we played quite well. The refs and other coaches commented on our playing and a little after 11:30, I climbed into the car sweaty and disoriented from the heat and drove home.
Also during these games, my coach was getting texts from his son stating the World Cup scores of the Germany and England game. I'm very sad to say that England lost to Germany, the final score being 4-1. Later today is the game between Argentina and Mexico. I cannot say who exactly I'm rooting for in this game, only that for the sake of my friend's sanity, Brazil wins. Although maybe it'd be best if they win when they host the next World Cup in 2014.
So readers, this is where I leave you. Saying I'll write soon is much easier said than done, but I will try and keep you updated through twitter if I forget to write every now and again. I'll see you all again soon.